Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Time for a Break - Como at Point Yamu, Phuket: Day 5

     The day started with the rain not letting up. The Lil Muchkin was sorely disappointed when they called off the trip. Thank God the sun came up some time later, allowing us to head to the Gibbon Rehabilitation Project. 
     Baby gibbons are kidnapped and their mothers killed, just so money can be made from tourists taking pictures. So never pay to take pictures with "cute" gibbons. The GRP rescues these gibbons, in an attempt to reintroduce them into the wild. 
Abundant wildlife in these woods.
These tiny red crabs were all over, and
there's not a beach in sight.
     Part of the excursion was a climb to the nearby waterfall. The rain made the stony path very slippery. The Lil Muchkin did well while trekking up to the waterfall. 
     But descending, I had to carry this 15kg load and make sure that I didn't slip at the same time. Thankfully nobody was hurt (although the wifey did land on her butt once) on this family adventure.

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